Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

English language journal of consumer behavior

English language journal of consumer behavior
Creativity Company Marketing Products And Services In Retaining Customers

As we know that the products or services produced by the company may not be able to find your own buyer or demand. Therefore, producers in marketing their products or services should require consumers to the products or services it produces. One of the ways in which manufacturers in the field of marketing in order to increase the product yield through promotional activities.
It can not be denied that the campaign was one of the factors necessary for success and marketing strategy implemented a company, especially at this time when the era of rapidly evolving information, the promotion is a powerful weapon for companies in developing and maintaining the business.
A product will not be purchased even known if the consumer does not know the uses, advantages, where the product can be obtained and at what price. For consumers that the target company's products or services need to be given clear information. So the role of promotion is useful for:
v Introducing the product or service and quality to the community.
v Notifying legunaan of goods or services to the public and
how to use.
vMemperkenalkan goods or services
It is therefore imperative for the company to carry out a campaign with the right strategy in order to meet targets effectively. Promotion is done should be appropriate to the circumstances of the company. Where have calculated the amount of funds available to the magnitude of the benefits derived from the company's promotional activities undertaken.
As we know that the state of the business world is dynamic, which always changes that occur at any time and there is a correlation between one another. Therefore, the marketing strategy has a very important role for the success of the company in general and in particular in the field of marketing. Besides marketing strategy implemented must be reviewed and developed in accordance with the development of the market and the market environment. Thus, the marketing strategy should be

can provide a clear and focused on what the company is doing in using every opportunity or peluan on some target markets.
Stratrgi see the importance of marketing to the increased sales volume of the company, then I am keen to further clarify again the topic in this pape

RumusanMasalahIn accordance with the background that I described above, I tried to describe the subject matter as follows:1) How does the phases of the development or marketing of products and services?Limitation ProblemGiven the very breadth of the discussion of marketing products and services, then the writing is only limited to marketing strategy

CHAPTER IIRESEARCH METHODOLOGYResearch ObjectivesIn accordance with the formulated problem, the purpose of the study is as follows:1. To find the process or phase of the development of creativity in marketing products and services.Benefits of ResearchThe benefits of this research are:While the benefits of this research are:1. As inputs for the company to carry out activities related to the marketing strategy.2. as materials to increase knowledge in the field of insurance in particular on the role of marketing strategy.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY1. Required DataIn this paper the author conducted research to obtain data and information to be used as materials analysis, in this case required are as follows:Secondary dataThat is the data obtained from reading materials, namely leteratur, lecture notes, examples of journal and others associated with it.2. Research Methodsto obtain the data required in the completion of this analysis, the author conducted a form of research:a. Research BibliographyTo reinforce the idea / ideas in analyzing and evaluating the results of field research, the necessary foundation of such theories or expert opinion derived from textbooks, lectures, scientific magazines and other resources that are considered important and nothing to do with this paper.3. Data Collection TechniquesIn this case the authors collected data using a one-way street:ObservationIe get the data from several journals related to the theme and title of the author of the analysis by comparing the research object is the third journal to learn how the role of marketing strategy to increase sales of products and services.CHAPTER IIITHEORETICALTHEORETICALThe marketing strategy is one weapon for companies to deal with market competition. Basically, the marketing strategy is to find a match between the company's internal capabilities with external opportunities that exist in the market. Finding a match is the responsibility of the marketing department to implement a marketing strategy for the product produced and according to the market segment who wish to target the product launched.Recognize the characteristics of the market and market structure is advantageous for the company to remain competitive and survive (survival of the enterprise). Weaknesses and advantages of the company should be analyzed so as to be a strong starting point for the company in making effective and efficient decisions and to strengthen the position of the existing competitors.The main purpose of a company is the achievement of profit (income) and this can also be a measure of the success or failure of a company in achieving its goals. Moreover effectiveness and efficiency in running the company's operations have an important role. Efficiency in question is a marketing strategy that is done by calculation and proper consideration so there is no wastage of costs both in operaional and in promotion and advertising costs, and effectiveness in question is the selection of a proper marketing strategy and in accordance with the market served by the company so that the target set can be achieved.CHAPTER IVCLOSINGCONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSAt the kesmplan and suggestions the authors attempt to draw conclusions on the results of research by contributing to suggestions that may be beneficial to the company as well as well as universities.Based on the analysis obtained, the importance of creativity in the marketing system are:a. To maintain performance or menanggualangi weaknesses in order to achieve sales effectiveness.b. To increase sales volume.c. To reduce customer complaints from the sales procedure.d. To improve the strategy set by the company.e. To improve the performance of the company.After doing research and discussion, and by inference, the authors give the following suggestions:1. Need for internal checks on the functions that are regulated by policy management and directors to examine and assess the activities of the company.2. Improving infrastructure company so it can better compete with other companies.3. Optimising ways of working and working capacity of the company to save costs.suggestioncreativity in marketing is required in addition to the trust between consumers and producers so that mutually beneficial

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